Notes to the consolidated financial statements

  1. Accounting policies
  2. Critical accounting estimates and judgements
  3. New standards, interpretations and amendments to existing standards issued that are not yet effective
  4. Financial risk management
  5. Reconciliation of earnings attributable to equity holders of the company to headline earnings and adjusted earnings
  6. Reconciliation of operating profit to Ebitdar
  7. Segmental analysis
  8. Other revenue
  9. Gaming levies and VAT
  10. Property and equipment rentals
  11. Amortisation and depreciation
  12. Employee costs
  13. Other operating expenses
  14. Interest income
  15. Finance costs
  16. Income tax expense
  17. Dividends declared
  18. Property, plant and equipment
  19. Investment property
  20. Goodwill
  21. Other intangible assets
  22. Investments in associates
  23. Investments in joint ventures
  24. Non-current receivables
  25. Deferred income tax
  26. Long-term incentive plans
  27. Inventories
  28. Trade and other receivables
  29. Cash and cash equivalents
  30. Ordinary share capital and premium
  31. Other reserves
  32. Interest-bearing borrowings
  33. Obligations under finance leases
  34. Derivative financial instruments
  35. Post-employment benefits
  36. Deferred revenue and income
  37. Provisions
  38. Other non-current liabilities
  39. Trade and other payables
  40. Other current liabilities
  41. Cash generated from operations
  42. Income tax paid
  43. Dividends paid to the company’s shareholders
  44. Prior year restatements
  45. Commitments
  46. Operating lease arrangements
  47. Future capital expenditure
  48. Contingencies and guarantees
  49. Business combinations
  50. Transactions with non-controlling interests
  51. Events occurring after the balance sheet date
  52. Related party transactions
  53. Principal subsidiaries